Grouting the mosaic work was the most time consuming part of the installation. Many of the donated artworks had a three dimensional quality to them and grouting them was a slow process.
I used a tiny rubber tool to push the grout into the spaces between the glass/tile and to seal the edges of each piece. Almost all of the panels were grouted with a light gray grout that I mixed on site.
The Bald Eagle mosaic after being grouted. Artist: Marita Schauerte (Germany) |
Two mosaic panels after grouting. Artists: Ilona Bryan, Valerie Hornby |
After grouting. Artist: Pat Mitchell, Ilona Bryan |
Pat Mitchell, Ilona Bryan, Valerie Hornby |
Artist Valerie Hornby's adorable rubber duck mosaic. Made with iridescent tiles! |
Artist: Lola Davis, 7 years old! |
Artist: Debs McGlaughlin |
Artist: Silva Hayes |
Completed grouping after being grouted. |
Another view of the completed grouting. You can still see some grout haze on the concrete wall. |
Artist: Barb Frizzell - These panels were grouted with a pre-mixed off white grout. |
Artist: Rita Schelin - This piece was grouted with black grout. |
Artist Rita Schelin's mosaic outside a classroom door. |
After grouting all of the mosaics on the main wall, I gave them all a few wipes with the sponge and left them sit to cure.
Wonderfully done. I like that you used the geometric ones under the sill. Those Panels add so much to the building; and they have your sense of space and color to thank. I really love the one by 7 year old Lola; for me, it stood out from the rest.